‹ €ÿ Drug addiction, prison and women's child custody rights | Stadler Law Group, LLC

Drug addiction, prison and women's child custody rights

The opioid addiction is landing more women behind bars, with many cycling in and out of prison multiple times for violations related to drug addiction. All across the country, families are being torn apart, incarceration rates are skyrocketing and treatment centers are being forced to close because of lack of money. In Georgia and other states, child custody rights are severed because of substance abuse.

Treatment for women can be costlier, and they are slow to ask for help because of family pressures. Single mothers fear losing their children because of their addiction. A recent survey showed that four in 10 women lost custody of their children while on drugs. Many have family members caring for their kids, and some children who were born with drugs in their system have been taken away and adopted.

In the ongoing battle with addiction, small towns across the country are facing discouraging odds. Women are the fastest growing population in correctional facilities across America, but the biggest jump in numbers can be seen in smaller counties across the country. The arrest for drug possession has tripled for women since 1980.

No one chooses to become addicted to drugs, but across the country, the opioid epidemic is spiraling out of control. A mother's absence in her children's lives can take its toll as families struggle to understand how this could have happened. Residents of Georgia with concerns about children and their well-being may consider a consultation with an experienced child custody attorney. A lawyer who is well informed can address concerns and answer questions to determine what is in the best interest of the child.

Source: mrt.com, "Portrait of despair: Opioids land more women behind bars", Sharon Cohen, May 22, 2018

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